Monday, 18 May 2009

How mobile phones help learning in secondary schools

This study was commissioned by Becta through a research grant related to the UK Government's e-strategy "Harnessing Technology".

This study was commissioned by Becta through a research grant related to the UK Government's e-strategy "Harnessing Technology".

AUPs in context: Establishing safe and responsible online behaviours

This publication provides a number of prompts and action points to help schools and other children's settings develop effective AUPs within their local context and framework of wider e-safety measures.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Nintendo DS in the classroom

Is there any impact on learning when the Nintendo DS is used in the classroom? Read Merlin John's account of his visit to a Oakdale Junior School to find out more about how they are using these handheld gaming devices to extend learning. The work follows on from that begun by Learning and Teaching Scotland and has been complemented during an recent Ofsted inspection.
Click here for the full article futurelab news


Digital technology offers fantastic opportunities for children and young people throughout their lives. However, the technology can be misused and this can be very painful for those who are the targets of cyberbullying. In recent guidance from the Department for Children, Schools and Families it was stated that adults need to help children and young people prepare for the hazards whilst promoting the many learning and social opportunities available. To obtain key safety advice as well as access to resources suitable for use in school click on the following link:

Monday, 11 May 2009

Wordle - Creating Beautiful Word Clouds

Wordle is a tool that generates “word clouds” from text that you provide. It identifies the words that you have used most frequently and gives them the most prominence. You can also tweak your clouds to change the appearance. Apart from looking pretty this tool has potential use in self reflection, as an alternative means of presentation, or a pictorial summary of content.

Have a try yourself by entering some text into the web site and see what happens – I guarantee you will become addicted!

The image shows what this article looks like in Wordle. To try it out for yourself visit