Wednesday, 27 January 2010

ICT for Education Conference

The ICT for Education Conference 2010 in Belfast will field an impressive line up of speakers addressing the issues facing those responsible for using ICT to achieve the highest educational standards and most effective environment in UK schools.

With technology such a key force behind the transformation of our educational landscape, ICT is all pervasive in the building of schools, the preparation and delivery of lessons and the management of schools. ICT has changed our behaviour, raised our expectations and contributed to the greater inclusion of parents, governors, administrators and children in the education system.

The ICT for Education Conference programme will look at how successful schools use ICT within an educational framework and with clear objectives, managing technology rather than being managed by technology. Topics for discussion will include: literacy, learning and well-being through gaming, social networking and mobile technology - behaviour management - parental engagement - safeguarding pupils - the next generation of VLEs - collaborative, project based learning - inspired learning space design

There will also be an exhibition for ICT suppliers and vendors as well as related organisations and charities, which will run from 8am until 4pm. Delegates can visit between the conference sessions (which start at 10am) and during refreshment breaks and lunch.

For full details on the conference including the speaker line-up, and to book your place, go to
What's more, book your place before the end of February and receive a discounted delegate rate of 119 +VAT (full price: 169 +VAT).

Either download the booking form from
or book your place online, using the discount code BFT2010.

For further information on any aspect of the event please call event manager Shelley Cook on 07972 866281

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Becta - ICT Excellence Awards

Now entering their fifth year, Becta’s ICT Excellence Awards provide a great opportunity to not only celebrate the amazing work of schools, local authorities and other supporting organisations but to share the experiences of those at the forefront of the use of technology in learning.

The winners of the 2009 awards were announced at the Bristol ceremony on 19 November and there are examples of truly inspirational work amongst the winners and runners-up. To mark the beginning of sharing the winners’ great practice, many schools are opening their doors during the first week of February, to showcase what impressed the judges and to give their visitors the chance to see their work for themselves. In Northern Ireland St Pius X College, Magherafelt will be opening their doors from the 1st to 5th February. Their key areas of best practice include:

  • distributed strategic and operational leadership and management of ICT
  • pupil independence with ICT
  • embedding of ICT throughout whole school
  • use of technology to aid transition between phases.

And if this work inspires you and you want to share your story or that of a school that you know, the ICT Excellence Awards 2010 are now open for entries. For more information on the categories and criteria, and to access the online entry forms, go to The deadline for entries is 24 March 2010.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Safer Internet Day – 9 February 2010

Safer Internet Day is a European-wide initiative and is the one day in the calendar that will give a focus to internet safety issues such as cyberbullying, dealing with upsetting and illegal content online, sexual abuse and grooming. There are a range activities taking place across the week (from Monday 8th – Friday 12th February) and across the continent to help protect young people online.  You can get involved too.