Friday, 18 November 2011

Check out the ICTmagic wiki site for a comprehensive list of free software to help put a little bit of magic into your lessons.  Use the links in the left menu to navigate different categories of resources. Teachers can follow this site using Twitter, Facebook or email.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Sesame Tree E-Learning Resource

LNI have added a new Seame Tree Course into their Library. This E-learning resource has been designed for for Foundation Stage teachers who wish to use the Sesame Tree Series Two episodes and related educational outreach materials in their classrooms.

It includes,

  • An introduction to the Sesame Tree television series and the Series 2 educational materials

  • An introduction to the characters of Sesame Tree

To find the Sesame Tree resources, go to the LNI homepage and select the Go To Library link. Select the Staff section and from the Topic area dropdown menu choose Resources for Courses.