1.) Safer Internet Day 2009 CEOP's Thinkuknow programme will be producing a pack of resources available for download.
Please register if you're interested in receiving information, guidance and the pack.
Mission: To get your school involved! This is the perfect opportunity to introduce internet safety to students or to consolidate the teaching you have already implemented.
Method: To mark European Safer Internet Day, your school can download a pack of resources including new KS2 and 3 assemblies. CEOP will be creating and signposting you to all the resources you need for SID 2009. We would also like to hear your plans for the week.
Get it in your school diary NOW! February 2009 How do I get access to the Safer Internet Day Assemblies? Go to http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/teachers/sid09.aspx, register and we will keep you up-to-date with developments. You will be able to download the resource pack early February 2009.
If you are a registered user of the Thinkuknow website, please login before registering your interest for the Safer Internet Day Assemblies. This will preclude you from having to fill out more registration forms!
The downloads will be available from our "Resource Area" early February 2009 but only to those who have registered and been verified.
2.) New Thinkuknow Training Dates Dates - We have just announced our next training dates for the first half of 2009. Demand has been very high recently so register early to avoid disappointment!
You can apply for 2 types of training: Ambassador Training - (Full Day - £125)The CEOP Ambassador Training will give you an in depth look at not only young people use of the internet and mobile technology, but also examine how offenders use the online environment to groom young people. The training will give both a law enforcement and education perspective broadening your understanding of this emerging arena. The training will run through CEOP’s secondary school education programme Thinkuknow and other stand alone resources. Once you have completed the training you will be able to train your colleagues in the 11 -16 year old Thinkuknow education resource. You will also receive a certificate. The training will dedicate time for general discussion and allow you to ask any questions that may effect your individual profession.
These courses will take place at:
London 16/12/2008
London 22/01/2008
Preston 29/01/2008
Belfast 19/02/2009
Bristol 05/03/2009
Glasgow 19/03/2009
South Wales 09/04/2009
Newcastle 30/04/2009
London 14/05/2009
Derry 11/06/2009
Cambridge 25/06/2009
CEOP Thinkuknow Training (2.5 Hours - Free)This training allows you to directly deliver CEOP’s 11-16 year olds Thinkuknow programme to young people however you can not cascade train other colleagues unless you complete the CEOP ambassador full day training. The training will not only teach you how to deliver the product to young people but will also take you through many of the most popular applications young peoples are using in the online and mobile environment.
The courses will be taking place at:
London 21/01/2009
Preston 28/01/2009
Belfast 18/02/2009
Bristol 04/03/2009
Glasgow 18/03/2009
South Wales 08/04/2009
Newcastle 29/04/2009
London 13/05/2009
Derry 10/06/2009
Cambridge 24/06/2009
Please visit file://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/teachers/training to register for a course. 3.) Feedback the Number of Children You Trained in November 2008
Please feedback how many children have received Thinkuknow training during November 2008 and ensure you have updated any outstanding training figures for the 2007/2008 Academic Year!
It is imperative that we obtain this information from you as we need to report to strict Home Office targets so this service can continue in the future.
Step 1: Login to your Thinkuknow account, enter your details in the black area at the top of file://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/teachers.
Step 2: On the left had side of the screen, at the bottom of the tab bar on the left below the Thinkuknow logo click on 'Numbers Trained'
Step 3: From the drop-down menu, select the month in which you trained children with Thinkuknow resources Step 4: Enter the number of children that you have trained with Thinkuknow Step 5: Repeat this for all months necessary. If you have trained young people prior to the months listed in the drop-down menu, please enter the figures in the July 2007 field.
Many Thanks Have a great Christmas Holiday! TUK Team
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