Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Wallace High School

On the 15th December 2011 Wallace High School, Lisburn held an information seminar to update ASCL members on the progress made with their one-to-one iPad learning solution. All KS3 students have leased an iPad2 and the school staff has been trained to support the integration of the iPad into teaching and learning. Monitoring the outcomes and evaluation of the project is being carried out by the University of Ulster. So far the school report the following interim outcomes:

• improved engagement in lessons

• improved social cohesion and collaboration between KS3 students

• Increase in programming activity using apps

• Faster sharing of information

• Board of Governors using iPad technology

• Less paper being used

• Narrowing of the gap between parent understanding and pupils use of the technology

A group of students demonstrated their work in a variety of subjects including, Music, Science, Maths & Geography. Core productivity apps that are widely used across all departments include Keynote, Pages and Numbers. Garageband, iMovie and some freeware apps have also been used by a number of departments. Check out the ShowMe app for free. This turns your iPad into a whiteboard and makes it easy to record and share text, images and movies.


Bring Back Computer Science said...
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Bring Back Computer Science said...

It is good to see end-user ICT skills being promoted in schools.

Can I ask what SELB are doing to promote Computing within schools? As around 40% of vacant jobs in NI require programming skills, embedding programming in the curriculum is vital.

See: http://bringbackcs.blogspot.com/2011/12/ccea-do-not-offer-computing-therefore.html

Happy New Year!